Shower thoughts
User delight is not a gimmick
Dec 29, 2024
📣 This is still WIP
On product meetings, there's a meh response I sense sometimes when conversations about user delight come up, and I get the feeling that most people see it as one of the things that matter less, and can be done without – which in a sense is true – but we tend to forget that the difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is that little "extra", whatever that is.
“Don't just satisfy your customers, delight them”
-Warren Buffet
Brian Chesky is another person who has talked about delight being one of the core drivers of Airbnb's success.
User delight is the final note in the sequence that creates a perfect tune
User delight improves retention - Tinders match animation gives a dopamine rush that keeps people coming back.
Twitter's ballons on birthdays and special like interactions for events
Spotify wrapped
Google chrome’s no internet game
Beeple’s hand written note to the buyers of his NFT
About 10 years ago, I walked into a bank and saw a note on someone’s desk that read “I want to see a happy face, I want to see you smiling” and I smiled sheepishly the whole day. That’s the only thing I remember Diamond Bank for.
Do not underplay how valuable user delight is. A happy user is the greatest marketing you'll ever have.